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2017年08月17日20:41 来源:上海国际文学周 作者:上海国际文学周 点击: 次
(Vladimir Boyarinov; 1948-)
诗人,编辑, 家,俄罗斯作协共同主席,作协莫斯科分会主席,国际作家联盟执委会副主席,俄罗斯联邦功勋文化工作者,西蒙诺夫文学奖和古米廖夫文学奖获得者。毕业于托姆斯克理工学院和高尔基文学院。著有诗集《快乐的力量》《已是在山岗的后面》《亲人》等。
Vladimir Boyarinov, poet, editor and literary activist. He is Co-President of Russian Writers' Association, President of the Moscow Branch of Russian Writers’ Association, and Vice President of the Executive Committee of the International Writers’ Union. He is an Honored Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation and the laureate of Simonov and Gumilyov Literary Prizes. He graduated from Tomsk Institute of Technology and Gorky Art College. His published poetry collections include The Power of Happiness, Already Behind the Hills, Relatives, etc.